My new website is http://anphase.com
I have decided to move from wordpress.com to wordpress.org.
There are several reasons for my move to the new domain.
1. More control: with the move I am more able to control everything about the website. You will see that the difference between this website and the new one is quite big. I can now embed videos from any services, store more data etc.
2. Ease: wordpress.com and wordpress.org are about the same, I transferred about 99% of the blog/comments etc to the new site.
3. Ads: As you may know, I’ve been doing all this work in my spare time without much to show for it. The new domain allows me to place a few subtle ads so I can make a dollar or two out of it 🙂
4. Easy to remember: anphase.com is easier to remember, it just rolls off the tongue.
It’s still a work in progress, tell me what you think, suggestions, attacks etc. all welcomed 🙂