My first post! Whoo! Right to it then.. Ok, so I started a petition to Samsung Mobile so they would fix/improve/maintain the Samsung i8910.

My petition is over here: and as I write we are slowly approaching a 1000 signatures(964 to be exact). The statement reads:
To: Samsung Mobile
For Samsung to live up to its promise to maintain, improve and fix problems with the Samsung i8910/Omnia HD. We paid a lot for this device and we expect as much back. If not with Android, at least to fix the firmware/software problems so we get what we put down our hard-earned money for.
Not too shabby but the petition statement was sort of rushed, I’ve been criticized quite a bit about it. Got some advice from Steven Litchfield of from the Phones Show, one of my favorite podcasts. Hope it gets enough momentum I’ve been putting a lot of effort into this. I’m currently working on a report that I will send to Samsung Mobile. It could take up all my summer break but its all for a good cause. I mean I love the phone, its got a lot of potential but I think for that potential to be realized some people need to be pushed – no shoved – AK.. ok, getting carried away, but you get my point. Sweet. That’s my first post and I’m loving it!