
Tech from yesterday and tomorrow.

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. I have installed all the apps and demos. They have installed but will not run.

    I have 18910 XXIF2 Cust/i8910POFIFI
    any ideas?

  2. Hello, Anphase, I am a regular follower of your blog after buying my omnia hd a couple of months back. and I became a fan of you after seeing your efforts in enlightening the i8910 community and waking up Samsung

    You write a lot of valuable posts which if made on a seperate website would rank very high on search engines and would generate revenue through ads

    I am a techie and I can set up a dynamic website and host it for you. I am an expert in search engine optimisation and can bring up the site to the top in a few days and can improve the page rank. Can we enter a partnership where we can share the revenue from ads we get. I will take care of building a solid website and hosting all the website needs. we can probably transfer these posts too there if needed.
    If my idea interests you, please mail to the above mentioned mail id: myenggadmin [at] gmail dot com.

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