Report on the i8910 v3 Yes the report is up, better than ever before! It took hours so feel free to dive in and enjoy!!! 7421 words, 38 images and countless hours of work! Coinciding with 2000 signatures signed! Here’s a screen cap of a few pages:

A few corrections have been made, some people picked up a few typos and stuff. This is the last report. The journey ends here.. I’ve worked really hard to deliver on this report but now I have to move on to other things. Three weeks in the making and countless hours of work. I really hope this pays off, I put my heart and soul into it. At the end of the day, the situation is out of my hands, its up to Samsung. I will continue to update on the progress the report has made but unless something really big happens, this report is final. Thanks to everyone for the support, it has been a great journey and learning experience for me.
So here’s the press coverage so far for the petition and report:
- Engadget Mobile: Wronged i8910 buyer prepares doctral-quality thesis on issues
- Samsung Omnia HD Blog: Samsung i8910 owner preps 25-page quality control report
- GSM Arena: Report on the i8910 Omnia HD points out its flaws
- All About Symbian: Samsung i8910 HD: Miscellaneous Musings
- 20 years after a general strike against Samsung
- Omnia HD Users: Petition for Samsung to improve i8910 Omnia HD Firmware
Yup, the petition and reports are all over the place too, like Twitter, Digg, Facebook etc and the stories from the above have been recycled by several blogs. So for now, that’s what I’ve done with the first 3 weeks of my summer amongst other things.. Gotta keep it moving!