My report on the Samsung i8910 v2 is complete..

Bigger, better and stronger!!! Over here: Report on the Samsung i8910 v2 final enjoy! This took me hours, please take time to read it. I hope it has the impact I wish for – enough for Samsung to actually do something..
The report was prepared to highlight problems with the Samsung I8910 firmware and software and to suggest possible solutions and additions that can be made to make it better for the users. The report will cover factors that are only software/firmware related (which can therefore be addressed in an update by Samsung). It has been prepared in collaboration with members of several forums related to and/or dedicated to the Samsung i8910, backed by a petition signed by more than 1460 people (as of 27 November 2009) from all over the world at at the time of writing. Problems discussed include- lack of firmware updates for certain regions in which the phone was officially launched, inexplicable lag or delays in opening the media and applications folders, faulty web browser that crashes out of websites without warning, lack of auto focus function in video capture(although it can be achieved by tapping the phone lightly) and the lack of kinetic scrolling, a feature which has been implemented in the a new Chinese firmware update but not in any other, to name a few. The report also covers the accomplishments made by individuals such as hyperx and se7en (forum names) in the online communities to fix these problems and others and their short comings. As individuals taking time out of their busy lives without as much experience, resources and knowhow as Samsung engineers, they can only go so far which is why we need Samsung Mobile to play its part. Also promised, was an applications store for the i8910 [2] but sadly the device is not supported even though it is flaunted in the advertisement for the store. One of the main features of the device is its HD video recording capability. Again it falls short by not delivering the promised 24 frames per second [3] but 20 or less. We also suggest the possible implementation of the Symbian^2/3, Android 2.0, bada, Maemo or Qt. These platforms are/are going to be well supported and as users, that’s all we want from Samsung- support.
Highly commended report.
Hopefully will push them into doing something useful.
Hey folks!
Nice report, but I’m afraid you’re incorrectly positioning the problem. A year ago I bought N95 8GB – work of technological art, 2 CPUs (or cores, not sure), 8GB memory, Symbian S60v3 – perfect hardware base! But reality destroyed by software:
– No updates for Middle East Region (or late by atleast 1 year)
– Camera settings defaults to overexposed
– Audio player has no equalizer
– Built-in browser is buggy
– To work with Flash, you should make firmware upgrade, which according to people causes GPS to stop fix on satellites
– Absence of official changelog
– Constant delays in phone navigation, if you installed 5-10 programs, especially if some of them are started with the phone. Delays continue even after phone is fully loaded.
– Formatting do not help, as long as you return to the same apps.
– To speed up, you should disabled “desktop” icons, which is initially wrong
– When browser + mp3 player open, its normal situation to have your phone stuck with white screen and infinite vibration
– There is no way to add/remove input languages (for example, I use both Russian and Arabic input, but as there is no such region, I have to choose: reflash for Russia, or keep writing in translit).
So, basically, I believe most mobile companies sharing the same “f*** consumer by money and abandon him” policy. I heard iPhones have even more terrible stuff…. but never used them, so don’t know.
Best of luck!
I agree with you there with most of the stuff except the Apple bit. I’ve watched the iPhone evolve in the last 2 years from one thing to another. First there where no apps, then came web apps, then the app store changed the game, then copy and paste and all that. The kind of support we need from Samsung is the kind that Apple is giving. The iPhone is a platform not just a device, its an investment. I bought my iPod Touch about 2 years ago and still it gets firmware updates that make it even better and these updates go hand in hand with the iPhone. Apple is what we want Samsung to be. Probably is there was no Apple and iPhone, we would have just let Samsung walk all over us and waste our time without a fight! But this is not over, this is just the beginning..